Family Law
Whether you have a complex divorce case that you anticipate will be an all out war or the need for an uncontested divorce, we’re here to help. If the issue is going to be assets, the valuation of a business, custody of children, or all of the above we can help you get the result you deserve. Call us today and set up a free consultation.
Child Custody
There’s nothing more important than your children, and there’s nothing more important than your children being in safe and stable environment. Whether you want full custody or equal placement, let us help guide you there. Call us today and set up a free consultation.
If something has happened since your divorce or original custody determination that warrants the court revisiting it’s decision or an agreement you made, we can help you modify that court order. Call us today and set up a free consultation.
Family Law
The Fite Law Firm has done extensive work in the area of family law, trying complex divorce and modification suits. If you need counsel on what's rightfully yours in your marriage, or any custody issues that occur at the end of a marriage or after a divorce, we offer the kind of strong and honest counsel you need.
If you are already divorced, there are similar issues that can present themselves. If you think the amount of child support or alimony is unfair, or your spouse has fallen behind in support payments, we can help you. If you've recently had your pay decreased, or changed jobs and are making less money, you might deserve to have your Support obligation lessened. Likewise, if your previous spouse is now making more money you might be entitled to have their Support payments raised. Give us a call today to find out.
If something has occurred since your divorce that leads to believe custody needs to be changed, we can help you.
The Fite Law Firm has extensive experience and knowledge in all Divorce, Modification, and Dependency proceedings. We offer free consultations over the phone or in person, so give us a call to schedule an appointment.